Maria Conway

Maria Conway
Maria Conway
40685731 MN
Minnetonka Office

Welcome to my website, I hope you enjoy the home inspiration!

My passion for real estate started  at just 19 years-old.  I was driven at a young age to be a homeowner so I bought a small duplex on the East Side of Saint Paul.  This allowed me to build equity in real estate and have many life experiences at a very young age.  A goal realized by very few of my peers!  Let my experience and determination pave YOUR way home!  As a trusted advisor, I will create a plan that will take YOU to a seamless closing. Let's get started and have a conversation today!

P.S.  My business is based on generous referrals from people like you.  If you know anyone who may be thinking of buying, selling or investing in real estate I will take very good care and provide them with exceptional service.



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